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Amy Slater
Aug 22, 20192 min read
Puffed Amaranth Bars: The BEST Bar!
This summer I explored different bar options for the kids as a time saver while I was recovering from surgery. I had lofty hopes of...

Amy Slater
Jul 5, 20182 min read
Blackberry-Hazelnut Honey Crisp (gluten free)
I tried an experiment with dinner this week and decided to make a dessert for the main meal. I wanted to see how the kids would react and...

Amy Slater
May 12, 20183 min read
Tuna Lentil Noodle Casserole with a Twist (grain and dairy free)
I have found that encouraging my kids to eat lots of vegetables goes through stages of ease and difficulty. Currently, the boys (age 7)...

Amy Slater
Sep 18, 20172 min read
Tuna noodle salad with TONS of veggies (gluten free)
All four kids have been raised on a Paleo type diet. My reasons for following this lifestyle are centered in the dramatic health...
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