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Amy Slater
Jun 20, 20193 min read
Shopping with Twin Girls
One of the greatest things about continuing to build my health is the continually improving ability to manage stressors. There was a time...

Amy Slater
Sep 6, 20184 min read
Life with two sets of twins: An Update
It has been a while since I have updated everyone on the day-to-day and my life with two sets of twins. How would I describe my life?...

Amy Slater
Nov 22, 20173 min read
Do you ever have days when everything you do just seems to make sense. Like you really feel confident in all of your decisions and you...

Amy Slater
Aug 27, 20174 min read
Being a mom…real food, lots of movement and my journey!
As a mom of two sets of twins… I know there is nothing more stressful than having something wrong with one of my babies. I have been so...

Amy Slater
Jun 25, 20173 min read
The first week of summer
This was our first official week of summer! It has not been too hot yet this year so we have enjoyed lots of outside time! The garden is...

Amy Slater
Jun 7, 20173 min read
A Mother’s Wishes for Health
Honestly, when Kevin and I made the decision to have children I had no idea the amount of work and energy it takes to be a Mom. I had...

Amy Slater
Jan 6, 20173 min read
Winter Vacation: what are we eating
This week we took a short overnight trip to Asheville to see the Biltmore House. It was fantastic! What a fun journey. The girls had a...

Amy Slater
Dec 31, 20164 min read
How we use real food: from breakfast to dinner!
What can you do with real food? Let me tell you… The girls have now turned two and the boys are six! Every day is an adventure that is...

Amy Slater
Dec 8, 20162 min read
Maintaining sanity with two sets of twins
Right now it is 5:00 in the morning an I am sitting on the floor in front of the fire, next to the Christmas tree. All is quiet in the...

Amy Slater
Nov 25, 20162 min read
Today I am thankful for my crazy life. Every single day is an adventure. There are moments when I don’t think I can handle it all and...

Amy Slater
Sep 30, 20162 min read
Adventures in “twin land”
I have so many adventures to share from the boy’s first nine weeks of kindergarden. We managed to walk every day to and from school which...

Amy Slater
Apr 26, 20163 min read
Postpartum body image and Joys
I have so much to share that it was difficult to narrow it down for this blog post. Every day my life is enriched by four little loves. ...
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