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Amy Slater
Dec 22, 20183 min read
Happy Fourth Birthday: My second set of miracle babies
The girls’ birth did not go how I had planned! I had a plan for another full-term pregnancy, a fantastic birth, and a smooth transition...

Amy Slater
Nov 29, 20184 min read
Mountain Trip Part Two: Poor William and marshmallows!
The Gem Mining Adventure: Poor William! After our hike, we set off to go gem mining! It was about a 1 ½ hour trip to get up and through...

Amy Slater
Sep 13, 20183 min read
Feeding Kids: A massive job that is 100% necessary
If you have followed me for any length of time, you know, that I have a unique mothering environment with my two sets of twins. Yes, that...

Amy Slater
Sep 6, 20184 min read
Life with two sets of twins: An Update
It has been a while since I have updated everyone on the day-to-day and my life with two sets of twins. How would I describe my life?...

Amy Slater
Jun 23, 20184 min read
Our New House: The Big Move! Part One
Our family had a big change this month, with a move into a new house! We are slowly making it our home! I loved our old house, everything...

Amy Slater
Feb 7, 20182 min read
Another truth: The worst part of motherhood
I must tell you that I am absolutely 100% ready for spring! I use to LOVE the winter! It meant long runs in the woods in the snow!...

Amy Slater
Dec 31, 20172 min read
Twin Mom Tips and Solutions
Today is the last day of another year, and I can proudly say I am not just surviving, but thriving as a mom of two sets of twins. Wow,...

Amy Slater
Dec 10, 20173 min read
Prenatal Gut Health–Part Two
In Part One of this series, we learned about how making simple diet and lifestyle changes can positively affect moms health and the...

Amy Slater
Nov 22, 20173 min read
Do you ever have days when everything you do just seems to make sense. Like you really feel confident in all of your decisions and you...

Amy Slater
Aug 2, 20174 min read
Tricksters, marketing science…Part One!
I was talking to a mom the other day and she said her major barriers to cooking real food were being not knowing what to choose and...

Amy Slater
Jul 24, 20177 min read
Real food vacation with two sets of twins!
This was our most successful beach trip yet! Those of you with children know what I am talking about. Some vacations are more work than...

Amy Slater
Jul 1, 20174 min read
Creativity and Planning: How to work through the “choosiness” of kids
Creativity and planning are the keys when it comes to feeding two sets of twins real food, consistently at every meal and every snack....

Amy Slater
Jun 25, 20173 min read
The first week of summer
This was our first official week of summer! It has not been too hot yet this year so we have enjoyed lots of outside time! The garden is...

Amy Slater
May 13, 20173 min read
Meal planning AND Bone Broth Soup
As you know, I have four children, two sets of twins. The girls are almost 2 1/2 and the boys are 6 1/2. The boys can disassemble a room...

Amy Slater
Dec 8, 20162 min read
Maintaining sanity with two sets of twins
Right now it is 5:00 in the morning an I am sitting on the floor in front of the fire, next to the Christmas tree. All is quiet in the...

Amy Slater
Nov 25, 20162 min read
Today I am thankful for my crazy life. Every single day is an adventure. There are moments when I don’t think I can handle it all and...

Amy Slater
Oct 9, 20162 min read
Track out: week two
So far this week I have used the following phrases: Annabelle, “Stop drinking the dish soap.” Maddy, “Don’t eat the saran wrap.” William,...

Amy Slater
Jul 22, 20163 min read
Bike riding babies!
I cherish so many moments with my children. I wish I could capture them all and save them for later recall. We have shared some hilarious...

Amy Slater
Jun 7, 20162 min read
Family Update
Right now I am on my back deck enjoying an amazing late spring evening. I am trying to soak in every second of the next couple weeks...
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