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Amy Slater
May 5, 20183 min read
Maintaining a Real Food Plan With Kids
I come to you from the perspective of a parent with twins. I have lots of friends and family who have had one baby at a time, but I...

Amy Slater
Mar 4, 20182 min read
Beetroot and Swiss Chard Waffles (dairy, gluten and nut free)
I can thank the lovely @organicfoodforkids for the inspiration for this recipe. If you haven’t checked out her Instagram page, you must!...

Amy Slater
Sep 18, 20172 min read
Tuna noodle salad with TONS of veggies (gluten free)
All four kids have been raised on a Paleo type diet. My reasons for following this lifestyle are centered in the dramatic health...

Amy Slater
Aug 27, 20174 min read
Being a mom…real food, lots of movement and my journey!
As a mom of two sets of twins… I know there is nothing more stressful than having something wrong with one of my babies. I have been so...

Amy Slater
May 19, 20173 min read
Tummy bug and vegetable hiding
This post is coming out late as we have had an event filled day! One of my little beans came down with a tummy bug so I have been running...
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