Do you ever have days when everything you do just seems to make sense. Like you really feel confident in all of your decisions and you think to yourself, ok I’m doing alright! Well, I have had a week like that. Not just a day, but a whole week! I find that oddly exhilarating! Life is not always like that. Especially as a mom. I know that I have had moments where I have felt like I was not sure which path to take. Who knows, maybe after seven years, I am starting to get the hang of this motherhood thing?
I now have two seven-year-olds! I can’t believe it! I have so many amazing memories with these little guys already! I cannot imagine what the next seven years will bring.

The girls helped me make their birthday cakes this year.

William wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. He wanted his name written in blue icing and a his Taekwondo green belt across the top. Cameron wanted a vanilla cake with vanilla icing and his name in red (to his disappointment, his name turned out pink instead of red) with blue and green dots on the top.
For Cameron’s cake I used a recipe from Elana’s Pantry. I doubled the recipe, added one extra egg and cut the sweetener in half. For William’s cake, I used a recipe from Spunky Coconut. I doubled the recipe here too and cut the recipe in half. Cameron’s white frosting was from this recipe. I swap out the honey and use maple syrup, mostly because Cameron does not like honey. I know it’s a little odd. I cut the sweetener in the cake because the frosting is sweet enough. For all of my vegan friends, I used this recipe for William’s chocolate buttercream. It was most definitely off the rails sweet. But, it only took a think layer to do the trick. Both cakes are virtually fool proof. I have made the chocolate cake for several special occasions. I have made them into cupcakes too. It freezes well too!
I used this food dye from THRIVE MARKET. It is artificial dye free, free from synthetic substances made from petroleum. The colors are pretty, although the red is definitely more pink than red.

Not all days are smooth. Nor do I feel, in a groove all of the time. But, maybe I have hit my stride. Maybe I am just now “getting it”. Maybe I am starting to really understand that motherhood evolves daily. You have to laugh off a lot of stuff. You will say no or please stop more times than you could ever imagine. You will endure noise levels that could truly cause hearing damage.
You must have catlike reflexes to react to try to prevent outrageous accidents that happen multiple times per day. You will become a professional dishwasher.

Here we are at the park… Madelyn, Annabelle and Cameron.

Annabelle and William are best buddies.
We made it 2 1/2 miles that day. The girls ran the whole time! The last time we went we only made it 1 mile. It is fantastic to watch them grow, learn and love. Every once in a while, Annabelle will just start singing the Daniel Tiger song about loving her family. Now, to me, that is so awesome… the best gift ever!
My new motherhood view is this…

Happy Thanksgiving from my heart to yours!
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