We started logging pedal bike miles in mid April. This week both boys crossed the 100 mile mark. During the last two months we have shared many adventures together during our rides/walks.

For two months I have lifted William back onto his bike about 30 times every ride. His bike was just a little too big for a push off without a boost. Although he got a little frustrated… he never gave up. This week he finally got it!!

One moment I saw him off his bike and the next moment, he was going again!! He did not even realize what he did until I said, “William, did you see what you just did?!” He was so excited!! FREEDOM! This meant he no longer needed me to help him as much.

Over the last two months, the boys have gotten stronger and braver. Hills that were once too steep to pedal up without a little boost are now not so bad. They are proud of their time and strength. They have great handling and skill… I see two future racers!

As I stated in a previous post… I am soaking in these days. Training, cooking, and playing. I am encouraged every day by my children. Sometimes they drive me crazy, but there is not a moment that I am not thankful for that.

I am hugely grateful for everything they have taught me.

In our next post… our adventures in planning for school lunches. There have been several successes so far! The latest “treat” creation is lunch box clusters.
